Homecooking is a trend that became more popular with the rise of Tik Tok and short video formats on social media, such as Instagram Reels. Thanks to condensed format of these videos, where recipes are simple and shown in a few easy steps, cooking is… a piece of cake. It’s so easy that more and more people from young generations want to get into the kitchen, sharing the most interesting recipes on Tik Tok.

Recipe for Gen Z
For one and a half year E. Wedel brand has been successfully expanding its audience to include Generation Z, which is a very valuable recipient for marketing, but still difficult to reach. We were the ones who had the pleasure of implementing pioneering homecooking activities dedicated to this group.
Communication that we developed is based on an imaginative as well as creative approach to cooking and baking. Its goal is to encourage Gen Z to recreate delicious recipes that use chocolate in an easy and enjoyable way.
One of our references was a website https://wkuchnizwedlem.wedel.pl. It gave us a background into which we could incorporate our campaign as another reveal of the client’s long-term strategy. We also created the latest version of this website.

Wanting to reach our recipients, we decided to use Tik Tok, which is the most authentic medium for them. For year and a half, on this platform, through E. Wedel profile, we have published homecooking content for Generation Z. And with this platform in mind, we developed our „Wedel smak da” campaign. It started with promotion of chocolate bars in 2023. Of course, Tik Tok was also the place where we published our 15-second campaign format. All videos that we published later as a continuation of ongoing communication were enriched with background music, specially prepared for the campaign, which made them even more attractive and coherent.
Another significant role in the campaign played vidoes that we published on YouTube. There our recipients could see not only the 15′ format, but also longer, thirty second version of the spot and, additionally, 6-second bumper ads. For the shortest formats we released a campaign in the Meta environment (6′ Facebook, Instagram). And we used the soundtrack to create an audio ad on Spotify.

Our E. Wedel campaign is a perfect example of an effective communication, based on a creative approach to the topic and deep understanding of the recipient’s language. We managed to reach out to the target group and get them interested in the brand, as well as build a fanbase on Tik Tok. With our help, the E. Wedel brand was able to show that it understands perfectly the Gen Z recipients, fits into their dynamics and moreover is able to adapt its narrative to their expectations.