Deep down the valleys and high up on majestic mountains top of Tatry Mountains where power of nature shows its true, not always predictable, colors, safety is beyond precious.
Tatrzańskie Ochotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe (eng. Tatra Volunteer Search and Rescue) makes sure that tourists exploring Tatry Mountains are safe. They also bring rescue to those who found themselves in need.

There is more than meets the eye when it comes to the work of TOPR rescuers. Apart from heroic rescue actions in dire conditions, they also educate, prevent accidents and are always ready to bring help. Every tax donation to TOPR fund means new equipment, training and safety measures crucial for saving lives in the mountains.
We want TOPR rescuers to be able to focus on their tasks without worrying about funds. And that is why we created this campaign.
Our approach
Based on attractive video materials showing the rescuers during real actions in the mountains, we prepared completely new creations. Our main focus was on eye-catching formats for Facebook & Instagram.
We released videos with a couple of different openings. From dynamic ones, showing rescuers climbing, to static takes of the entire team. Of course, Škoda Enyaq iV was also present, as these cars are used by TOPR every day.
We emphasized it all by adding a strong voiceover encouraging people to support the mission of saving lives in the mountains. The campaign is broadcast from the 8th of March 2024.